North Queensland Multiple Birth Association
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Welcome to the North Queensland Multiple Birth Association!
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We know that as a new multiple parent, you are looking for support and programs to introduce you to the world of multiples and get you out and about. The North Queensland Multiple Birth Association (NQMBA) offers a number of services specifically for new parents, regardless of how many other children they already have.
NQMBA is a non-profit organisation established and maintained by volunteer multiple birth parents to provide support, activities, resources and education to multiple birth parents and their families who live in Townsville and surrounding areas South to Airlie Beach, North to Ingham and West to Mount Isa. NQMBA is a member club of the Australian Multiple Birth Association (AMBA). Our aim is to offer information and assistance to families of multiple births from the antenatal stage through to schooling years and beyond.
To find out more about NQMBA, visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NQmultiples.